Spring greens for a spring in your step

Spring is here!

During the Winter – with the coldness, snow, and darkness – we spent a lot of time indoors under artificial lights, in recycled indoor air, and with the worry that comes with the Covid-19 pandemic.  Many of us might have become – due to seasonal affective disorder – well, affected!  Maybe our physical activity slowed down a bit. Certainly, our skin has gotten a little dry.

However, with the tiny buds of daffodils comes Spring!  Spring is a time for new energy and new life, which can be viewed as a period of renewal. Let’s put a little spring in our step by taking advantage of the amazing edible green plants coming out of the ground today.

Yes, you heard me!

These greens coming out of the ground today – especially the ones that grow shooting up – like asparagus, leeks, scallions, chives, ramps, and garlic spears are full of the new vitality of Spring.  These greens are particularly vital because they grow powerfully despite having to deal with cold mornings and the hard Winter earth! In a philosophical way, they are pioneers and they represent strength and courage.  These are attributes we want to transmit into our own lives. Eat them! After all, we are what we eat.

According to scientific research, these particular greens have many benefits. Research has shown that these vegetables – part of the Allium family – may be helpful to improve our cardiovascular systems and more specifically reduce high blood pressure.  Second, these greens can support those individuals with metabolic disorders such as diabetes and high cholesterol.  Most of the research has been focused on helping to prevent dangerous cellular changes in the body.  These vegetables are also good sources of prebiotics.  Prebiotics feed the beneficial bacteria that you have living in your body.

At this time, we can add the garlic spears and leeks to every meal that we normally prepare with garlic and onions.  Some examples of tasty dishes we can make with these greens are brothy potato leek soup and roast asparagus. We can add ramps, scallions, and chives to every salad, soup, or meal we prepare!  

You will want to shop now because most of these greens are only available in the early Spring.  These greens can be found at your local farmer’s market.  If you prefer your organic vegetables delivered to your home, a good place to shop is at Misfits Market.

Their website is MisfitsMarket.com

Here is a coupon code for 10% off on your first order (Full disclosure, when you use this coupon, I get 10% off my box too.)


If you’re ready to attend to your health concerns in order to feel confident about your health and wellness, then consider an Aging Brilliantly Breakthrough Consultation.  It’s the first step to working with me. Click here to read about it. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you have found this information helpful and useful,

Dr. Selassie

Sengupta A, Ghosh S, Bhattacharjee S. Allium vegetables in cancer prevention: an overview. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2004 Jul-Sep;5(3):237-45. PMID: 15373701.

Wan Q, Li N, Du L, Zhao R, Yi M, Xu Q, Zhou Y. Allium vegetable consumption and health: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of multiple health outcomes. Food Sci Nutr. 2019 Jul 10;7(8):2451-2470. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.1117. PMID: 31428334; PMCID: PMC6694434.

Zhou XF, Ding ZS, Liu NB. Allium vegetables and risk of prostate cancer: evidence from 132,192 subjects. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(7):4131-4. doi: 10.7314/apjcp.2013.14.7.4131. PMID: 23991965.


REST is the new hustle.


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